Friday, January 9, 2015

Nearing the End

We have ran a lot of numbers and found out that most of the numbers were correct. Some numbers ended up be lower taking in account that you can hit a 0. We were not sure how in depth we would have to go to find out the math and that part was actually quite simple. We wish we could've gone more in depth to actually see if your stats like strength and attack or even the opponents defense. we have probably ran around 200 numbers and about 90% were in the 200-400% weapon damage. We also tested 2 other abilities and these numbers were in the same range as well being about 90% accurate.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Getting Started

Hey me again!

I have started actually testing the math on one of the abilities in the game. The ability is my ultimate ability. The ultimate ability should technically do the most damage of the abilities. My ultimate does 200%-400% of my base weapon damage. My base weapon damage is 1676 so I took that number and multiplies it by 0.2 and 0.4 to get my range which was 3352-6704. All of the numbers we had were within that range but we only tested it about 20 times. I am still wondering if there are other things that we should be including that will affect the numbers. I will keep testing and i actually hope i find a flaw.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

A New Beggining

This year for my passion project i have decided to play a video game called Runescape. Last year we did passion projects and I didn't get what I wanted to out of mine. Runescape is a MMO which stands for Massive Multiplayer Online, what that means is that you actually are playing with other people around the world. Video games have always been a passion of mine and I have always wondered how they worked. For my passion project I will not be only playing and progressing through the game I will also be testing some of the math in the game such as critical hit chances and what not. How i will be testing the math is by writing down the number that i hit and the turning on the ability and averaging out to actually see if the numbers on the abilities are actually correct. That's all for now ill have an update soon and hopefully some pictures.